
Dienstag, 29. August 2017

Ideal Love - Alice Burnett


After an argument with her husband Gilles, Venus Rees is left devastated by his sudden death. But when she discovers that he died of a treatable genetic condition she knew nothing about, she is haunted by the thought that he didn't love her enough to save himself. As time passes, Venus looks set to be trapped between grief and distrust forever. Until she meets the shy, good-looking and seemingly ideal Alex. Intertwining Venus's compelling attraction to Alex in the present with Gilles' enraptured pursuit of her in the past, Ideal Love is an intimate and life-affirming novel about love, from its incandescent beginnings to its final breath and back again.

My thoughts and opinion:
I am confused. I don't know what chapter belongs to what character. It constantly switches between Venus, Gilles, Gilles being alive, Gilles being dead, Leonie, Max, I MEAN WHAT. I still don't know who's actually important to the story.

I'm sad to say that I didn't finish this book. It could have been an amazing story. And interesting as well. The writing was poorly. Unfortunately. 
Thank you so much Legend Press for sending me this book <3

Genre: Novel 
ISBN:  9781787199897

Freitag, 25. August 2017

Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert

Love the colors!

Readers of all ages and walks of life have drawn inspiration and empowerment from Elizabeth Gilbert’s books for years. Now this beloved author digs deep into her own generative process to share her wisdom and unique perspective about creativity. With profound empathy and radiant generosity, she offers potent insights into the mysterious nature of inspiration. She asks us to embrace our curiosity and let go of needless suffering. She shows us how to tackle what we most love, and how to face down what we most fear. She discusses the attitudes, approaches, and habits we need in order to live our most creative lives. 

My thoughts and opinion:
I honestly don't know how I feel about this book. I liked it, but then again I didn't.

It had some good points that I even marked but the constant name-dropping and "oh a friend of mine here and that one friend there" is ANNOYING AF. 

She also keeps on mentioning her "oh so famous but I didn't really deserve it" book "Eat Pray Love". Look I know you wrote that - it's even on the cover - so please don't repeat that every 2 pages. She keeps on contradicting herself all the time. "Writing is the best thing ever but I don't want you to get too into it because your writing might suck" (kinda like that). What now? I feel like I've read the same chapter over and over again since everything gets repeated at least once. I've read about her love Felipe at least 3 times. In a book with less than 300 pages. 

I really wanted to love this book and a part of me did. But I would not recommend it to anyone really, just save your money.

Genre: Selfhelp
ISBN:  9781594634710

Samstag, 19. August 2017

Provokateure - Martin Walker

Klassisch, aber hübsch.


Bruno, chef de police in the French town of St Denis, is already busy with a case when the body of an undercover French Muslim cop is found in the woods, a man who called Bruno for help only hours before.

But Bruno’s sometime boss and rival, the Brigadier, doesn’t see this investigation as a priority – there are bigger issues at stake.

Bruno has other ideas.

Meanwhile, a Muslim youth named Sami turns up at a French army base in Afghanistan hoping to get home to St Denis. One of Bruno’s old army comrades helps to smuggle Sami back to France, but the FBI aren’t far behind. Then an American woman appears in St Denis with a warrant for Sami’s extradition.

Bruno must unravel these multiple mysteries, amidst pressure from his bosses, and find his own way to protect his town and its people

Meine Meinung:
Ich fand das Buch ganz okay. Richtig Spannung kam für mich leider nicht auf, wobei das Thema doch interessant und (leider) sehr aktuell ist. Für mich waren es viel zu viele Stories in einem, zu viel Ausschweifendes und zu wenig Interessantes. Leider. 

Genre: Roman
ISBN:  9783257069280

AchtNacht - Sebastian Fitzek

Gefällt mir!


Es ist der 8. 8., acht Uhr acht.
Sie haben 80 Millionen Feinde.
Werden Sie die AchtNacht überleben?

Meine Meinung:
3,5 / 5

Puh. Ich liebe Sebastian Fitzek ja. Habe alle seine Bücher. Aber das hier war leider nur "okay". Klar ist es an "The Purge" orientiert aber ich habe mir ein bisschen mehr erwartet. Ein bisschen mehr Spannung, Rache und Blut. Der "Plot-Twist" war eher lala und hat mich nicht sonderbar überrascht. Bin ehrlich gesagt ein bisschen enttäuscht.

Genre: Thriller
ISBN:  9783426521083

Dienstag, 15. August 2017

Honigkuss - Salwa Al Neimi

Einfallslos finde ich.


Durch die heimliche Lektüre der arabischen Erotikklassiker kommt sie auf den Geschmack. Mit ihren Liebhabern in Damaskus und Paris eifert sie den erregenden Texten nach, obwohl sie verheiratet ist. Ein Spiel nicht nur mit dem Feuer, sondern auch mit dem Tod! Denn auf Ehebruch steht nach islamischem Recht die Todesstrafe. Salwa Al Neimi erzählt offen, lustvoll und sinnlich von der Verführung durch Bücher, vom arabischen Liebesleben und von der Sexualität einer selbstbewussten, klugen Frau.

Meine Meinung:
Ich habe das Buch nach ca. 30 Seiten abgebrochen. Es war langweilig, alles wurde ständig wiederholt und ein bisschen ZU schnell (hatte das Gefühl ein Jahr wurde innerhalb einer Seite erzählt). Da lese ich lieber etwas interessanteres! 

Genre: Roman
ISBN:  9783442373628

Montag, 7. August 2017

She be damned - M.J. Tjia

So beautiful <3

London, 1863: prostitutes in Waterloo area are turning up dead, their sexual organs mutilated and removed. When another girl goes missing, fears grow that the killer may have claimed their latest victim. The police are at a loss and so it falls to courtesan and professional detective Heloise Chancey to investigate. With the assistance of her trusty Chinese maid, Amah Li Leen, Heloise inches closer to the truth. But when Amah is implicated in the brutal plot, Heloise must reconsider who she can trust before the killer strikes again.

My thoughts and opinion:
What an impressive book. We have an unknown killer, prostitutes who aren't worth that much and a female investigator who's in great danger. I really enjoyed reading it and couldn't wait to see who the murderer was and what his intentions were! I can definitely recommend it :)

Thank you so much Legend Press for sending me this book <3

Genre: Novel / Mystery
ISBN:  9781785079313