
Montag, 1. Oktober 2018

Neue Schuhe zum Dessert - Marian Keyes


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Jojo Harvey is a dead ringer for Jessica Rabbit and the most ferocious literary agent in town. A former NYPD cop, she now lives in London making million-dollar book deals while trying to make partner at her firm . . . all the while sleeping with the boss man. 

Lily Wright is an author who believes in karma, and is waiting for the sky to fall after stealing her former best friend's man. Though her first book failed to sell, her life turns upside down when her most recent book becomes a huge bestseller. 

Gemma Hogan is an event designer extraordinaire, but her personal life is nonexistent after losing the love of her life and her best friend in one fell swoop. To make matters worse, her father has just left her mother. While taking care of her mother, she e-mails a close colleague about her frustrations, who in turn forwards the hilarious e-mails to a famous literary agent named Jojo Harvey, who just happens to represent her former friend, now enemy, Lily Wright. . . . 

Meine Meinung:
Ich habe das Buch echt genossen. Es war angenehm zu lesen, witzig und interessant (wenn man nur von Jojo ausgeht). Gemma's Part war auch ganz gut aber Lily hat mich so etwas von genervt. Sie gibt quasi jedem die Schuld an allem ausser sich selbst. Ich habe bei ihren Kapiteln das meiste nur überflogen. Ansonsten war es, wie gesagt, ein gutes Chick-Lit Buch.

Genre: ChickLit
ISBN:  9783453580190

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