
Samstag, 26. Mai 2018

A Chid Called Happiness - Stephan Collishaw

So so stunning!

Three days after arriving in Zimbabwe, Natalie discovers an abandoned newborn baby on a hill near her uncle’s farm.115 years earlier, the hill was home to the Mazowe village where Chief Tafara governed at a time of great unrest. Faced with taxation, abductions and loss of their land at the hands of the white settlers, Tafara joined forces with the neighbouring villages in what becomes the first of many uprisings.

My thoughts and opinion:
Such a beautifully written book. You're immediately into the story and want to know what exactly happened. The diversity and story are amazing. The setting is somewhere I've never been before. It's a fast read, interesting and absolutely worth it.

Thank you so much Legend Press for sending me this book <3

Genre: Novel 
ISBN:  9781787198814

Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2018

Dienstags ist sie nie da - Tracy Bloom


Ganz süß!

Katy hätte nie gedacht, dass sie mit 36 unverheiratet und mit einem acht Jahre jüngeren Freund durchs Leben gehen würde. Als sie ihre große Liebe Matthew wiedertrifft, lässt sie sich von ihren Gefühlen mitreißen. Jetzt ist sie schwanger: Ben oder Matthew? Das ist hier die Frage. Und Katy muss handeln. Schnell. Aber ein mehr als befremdlicher Kurs in Schwangerschaftsgymnastik und ein Klassentreffen der besonderen Art bringen sie fast um den Verstand. Gut, dass sich ihr schwuler Kollege Daniel in das illustre Chaos einmischt und den dreien zeigt, wie wahre Liebe wirklich aussieht …

Meine Meinung:
Es war mir ein bisschen zu blöd. Katy hat ja eigentlich nur mit Matt geschlafen weil sie sich an ihm rächen wollte. Jetzt ist sie auch noch schwanger und weiß nicht von wem. Kommt mir ein bisschen vor als wäre es von einer 13 Jährigen geschrieben. Habe es nach 70 Seiten oder so abgebrochen.

Genre: ChickLit
ISBN:  978-3442377343

Der grosse Entwurf - Stephen Hawking


Ich mag es!


When and how did the universe begin? Why are we here? Why is there something rather than nothing? What is the nature of reality? Why are the laws of nature so finely tuned as to allow for the existence of beings like ourselves? And, finally, is the apparent “grand design” of our universe evidence of a benevolent creator who set things in motion—or does science offer another explanation? 

Meine Meinung:
Einfach nur wundervoll! Kann es jedem empfehlen der sich für Physik interessiert :)

Genre: Physik
ISBN:  9783499623011

Montag, 14. Mai 2018

Underwater Breathing - Cassandra Parkin

Fits perfectly!

On Yorkshire's gradually-crumbling mud cliffs sits an Edwardian seaside house. In the bathroom, Jacob and Ella hide from their parents' passionate arguments by playing the 'Underwater Breathing' game - until the day Jacob wakes to find his mother and sister gone. 
Years later, the sea's creeping closer, his father is losing touch with reality and Jacob is trapped in his past. Then, Ella's sudden reappearance forces him to confront his fractured childhood. As the truth about their parents emerges, it's clear that Jacob's time hiding beneath the water is coming to an end.

My thoughts and opinion:
Underwater Breathing is a very interesting book. It starts off with an almost perfect family but years later, everything is a mess. It's intriguing because you really want to know what happened to the sister, the mom and what will happen to the house on the cliffs. Cassandra Parkin's writing is a blessing and her books are so easy to read. I really look forward to read more by her.

Thank you so much Legend Press for sending me this book <3

Genre: Novel 
ISBN:  9781787198401

Sonntag, 13. Mai 2018

Lucy and Linh - Alice Pung


A literary Mean Girls meets Fresh Off the Boat that follows Lucy as she tries to balance her life at home surrounded by her Chinese immigrant family, with her life at a pretentious private school.

My thoughts and opinion:
I had my troubles with this book. It took me a while to get into, mainly cause I didn't know who was who. Also, the timelines drive me a bit insane since (especially at the beginning) it's all over the place - at least to me. Other than that it was a fast read, easy and very well written. It was a bit boring here and there but other than that, it was okay!

Thank you so much Legend Press for sending me this book <3

Genre: Novel 
ISBN:  B019B6TW84

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2018

Aftercare instructions - Bonnie Pipkin

I love it!

“Troubled.” That’s seventeen-year-old Genesis according to her small New Jersey town. She finds refuge and stability in her relationship with her boyfriend, Peter—until he abandons her at a Planned Parenthood clinic during their appointment to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The betrayal causes Gen to question everything.

As Gen pushes herself forward to find her new identity without Peter, she must also confront her most painful memories. Through the lens of an ongoing four act play within the novel, the fantasy of their undying love unravels line by line, scene by scene. Digging deeper into her past while exploring the underground theater world of New York City, she rediscovers a long-forgotten dream. But it’s when Gen lets go of her history, the one she thinks she knows, that she’s finally able to embrace the complicated, chaotic true story of her life, and take center stage.

This powerfully immersive and format-crushing debut follows Gen from dorm rooms to diners to house parties to auditions—and ultimately, right into readers’ hearts.

My thoughts and opinion:
I've literally finished this book in two days. It was a fast and easy read and although the story might seem difficult or triggering at first, I really enjoyed it. I also enjoyed the script pages and how all of it came together at the end. I love the mixture between friendship, love, family and how to cope with loss. I can definitely recommend it!

Thank you so much Legend Press for sending me this book <3

Genre: Novel 
ISBN:  -

Sonntag, 6. Mai 2018

Der Gallische Krieg - Gauis Julius Caesar


Ganz okay.


Betweeen 58 and 50 BC Julius Caesar not only conquered almost the whole of modern France, Belgium and Switzerland, with parts of Holland and Germany, but also invaded Britain twice. It was partly as a piece of personal propaganda that he recorded his campaigns against the various Gallic tribes in Latin; nevertheless these simple, direct and lucid texts are a unique direct source on Gaul in that period and also the only narrative actually written by a great general of antiquity about his own campaigns.

Meine Meinung:
Puh, es hat eine Weile gedauert aber ich habe es jetzt durch. Ich interessiere mich sehr für das alte Rom, Caesar und Italien im großen Ganzen. Natürlich musste ich das hier auch lesen. Es war richtig gut geschrieben und es fühlt sich an, als wäre ich selbst dabei gewesen. An manchen Stellen zieht es sich ein wenig was mir aber nicht viel ausmacht. Man muss sich einfach in die Lage versetzen und sich alles bildlich vorstellen, dann geht es schon. Ich kann es jedem empfehlen der sich für Geschichte und Strategie interessiert!

Genre: Klassik
ISBN:  9783150099605